2658 East Main Road | Portsmouth, RI | 02871 | (401) 683-9457 | Hours


Game Day

Join us in the Children's Room for a day of classic games.    

10:00 Board & Dice Games (Yahtzee, Tenzi, Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders)

11:00 BINGO (Christmas, Star Wars, American Girl)

11:30 Card Games (Uno, Slapzi, Set, Spot it, Old Maid, Go Fish)

12:00 Strategy Games (No-Stress Chess, Mancala, Chinese Checkers, Connect Four)

Babies & Yearlings

Ms. Nicole and Ms. Beth welcome you to a short program for babies and yearlings, up to 24 months.  There will be lots of play time and socialization for the children and their caregivers.  No registration required.


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