2658 East Main Road | Portsmouth, RI | 02871 | (401) 683-9457 | Hours

Michael W. Mello Program Room

iPhone 101

An introductory class, we will cover the basics of using the iPhone, what the most popular settings mean, and an overview of the app store, iTunes, and popular apps. While you don't need an iPhone to attend, it is recommended. Class is limited to 10 participants. Registration required by signing up here or calling the library.

YA Fiction Book Club

All ages 12-102 are welcome to our Young Adult Fiction Book Club, held on the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30. Refreshments are served, and a lively discussion of that month's book is enjoyed! No registration required.

September's Selection:

Diamond Boy by Michael Williams

(From Goodreads)

Google Docs 101

Learn how to set up Google Docs, navigate the screens, save a file, and share files for editing. Must be able to use a mouse and computer and navigate the internet. Class is limited to 10 participants.


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